Welcome to At home with WaWa.

Home improvement, cleaning, gadgets, hacks, DIYs, crafts? You‘re in the right place.

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How to clean Nespresso machines

How to + Tutorial

If you have the query, you could find the solution here. At least that is what my ultimate goal is for this website.

For now, here are some.

Tidy & Clean

Don‘t we all want a neat and tidy home and have our well-deserved rest when we are home?

Here are some tips on minimal effort and max results in reaching that common goal.

DIY & Craft

It‘s possible to get almost everything from the shops these days and usually rather economically.

However nothing beats the satisfaction you get from items you made yourself.


Have you wonder which kind of experiments you could do at home?

Here are some.

A commitment to simplicity

At home with WaWa is a simple, no frills place. You could find straight-to-the-point information & guides that have gone through many experiments and thrived.

Building exterior in Toronto, Canada

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